% of Area Median Income1 person2 people3 people4 people5 people6 people
Extremely Low Income (up to 30% AMI)$16,350 to $32,700$18,700 to $37,400$21,000 to $42,050$23,350 to $46,700$25,200 to $50,450$28,950 to $54,200
Very Low Income (30-50% AMI)$32,701 to $54,500$37,401 to $62,300$42,051 to $70,100$46,701 to $77,850$50,451 to $84,100$54,201 to $90,350
Low Income (51-80% AMI)$54,501 to $84,600$62,301 to $96,650$70,101 to $108,750$77,851 to $120,800$84,101 to $130,500$90,351 to $140,150
Moderate Income (81-120% AMI)$84,601 to $130,800$96,651 to $149,500$108,751 to $168,150$120,801 to $186,850$130,501 to $201,800$140,151 to $216,750
Median Income$109,000$124,550$140,150$155,700$168,150$180,600

Alameda County Household Income by Size of Household (2024)

The Area Median Income for Newark is based off County-wide incomes. The following table shows the range of incomes by household size for different income classifications in Alameda County. For example, a family of four earning $80,000 a year would be considered “low-income” since the low-income range is between $77,851 and $120,800. Since the cost of living, specifically housing, is so expensive in the region, the concept of affordable housing and who qualifies has dramatically shifted.

Source: State of CA Department of Housing and Community Development, 2024