What goes into a Housing Element?

A lot goes into developing a Housing Element.

The City of Newark heard extensively from community members about their housing needs and concerns, what they love about their community and want more of, and their thoughts on specific housing-related questions.

The City conducted several studies and analyses to learn more about Newark’s current population, jobs, housing stock, issues that would make it difficult to develop housing in certain areas. Bearing in mind the target RHNA number, the City reviewed this information against existing goals, policies and programs.

More so than in prior years, the most recent analyses placed increased consideration on fair housing laws – to address discrimination and segregation in housing – and environmental justice – to reduce health risks and address the needs of disadvantaged communities.

Taking into account community input, rigorous analysis, and best practices of fair housing and environmental justice law, the City developed several policies and programs, followed by a Draft Housing Element.


How do we know how much housing we need?


How does a Housing Element get approved?