Goal H3: Reduce and Remove Constraints to Affordable Housing Development

Make the development process predictable and efficient: remove regulatory and process barriers to developing affordable housing.

POLICY H3.1: Allow By-Right Approval of Projects with 20 Percent Affordable Units on “Reused” Sites. Pursuant to AB 1397, amend the Zoning Ordinance to require by-right approval of housing development that includes 20 percent of the units as housing affordable to lower-income households, on sites being used to meet the 6th Cycle RHNA that represent “reuse sites” previously identified in the 4th and 5th Cycles Housing Element, and on sites that are subject to a text amendment to accommodate the lower-income RHNA.

POLICY H3.2: Increase certainty of entitlement procedures and accessibility to resource information for developers. Prepare a comprehensive set of guidelines and associated process diagram for all the city’s processes and fees related to residential development generally and affordable housing specifically.

POLICY H3.3: Ensure there is a sufficient supply of multifamily and single-family zoned land to meet the housing needs identified in the RHNA.


Goal H2: Facilitate the Development of More Homes for More People


Goal H4: Help People Stay in their Homes and Communities