Newark Housing Programs and Assistance

High-quality, safe, affordable homes for all Newark residents

Two young women standing outside and smiling
A woman embracing and playing with a younger child, both smiling at the camera
Graphic of multiple housing types in a row.
An older woman smiling at the camera

Our vision for housing is to assure high-quality, safe, affordable homes for all Newark residents. The City works to achieve this vision through housing goals, policies, and actions described in the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element and other Council-adopted plans. 

The housing links below provide information and resources for the community to engage with the City and other local and regional agencies and service providers. In particular, the focus is on affordable housing and providing opportunities to make Newark housing more affordable.

A smiling man and woman standing in front of a small blue home with a yellow door


2023-2031 Newark Housing Element

In 2023, City Council adopted the Newark Housing Element, a plan for all the housing needed in our community.

The shortage of homes at prices that everybody can afford impacts all of us. While the plan has been approved and adopted, you can continue to help us shape the future of housing in the places you live, work, and love.

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Housing Resources

We’re here to help

Current Efforts

What we’re doing

Affordable Homes in Newark

Read about Newark’s latest development projects including new housing.

Tenant Protections

We’re working with tenants and landlords to design new housing policies.

First-Time Homebuyer Program

We’re working on supports for first-time homebuyers.

Learn About Housing in Your Community

Check out these resources to learn more about how housing works

Affordable Housing 101

Affordable housing of all types and sizes can ensure that the City meets the needs of everyone.

MOre about affordable housing

Newark’s Housing Element

The Housing Element is a state approved plan to meet the housing needs of everyone in the community.

MORE about the housing element

Graphic of various housing types in a row, with grass